Pre and Post Partum Pain

There are many discomforts to be expected during and after pregnancy, however not all pain is normal to experience. The many hormonal and postural changes in your body can lead to increased stress and strain on joints, ligaments and muscles sometimes making it difficult to roll over, go from sitting to standing and to walk. Physical therapy can help address many of the “extra” issues brought on by pregnancy and child birth.

  • Back pain
  • Sacro-iliac dysfunction
  • Rib dysfunction
  • Carpel tunnel
  • Incontinence issues
  • Pubic symphysis pain
  • Diastasis recti (abdominal separation)
  • Scar tissue restrictions
  • Tailbone pain
  • Sciatica

Physical Therapy Expectations for Pre and Post Partum Pain

  • You will be asked questions related to your symptoms, associated pain, and change of lifestyle since your problem began.
  • You will be asked to fill out a bladder diary or other questionnaires charting behavioral changes.
  • A musculoskeletal examination will be performed to determine muscle imbalances, strength, joint alignment postural assessment and functional level.
  • If indicated an internal exam for pelvic floor will be performed to determine strength and muscle function/coordination.
  • A treatment program will be designed based on scientific principles specific to our findings and your individual needs.
  • Your sessions will include extensive manual therapy sessions along with neuro reeducation and exercise.
  • Instruction will be given for a home exercise program.
  • Frequency of sessions are based on each individual.
  • The patient will be given choices and is in control of the therapy progression.